Thursday, August 16, 2012

Europe Trip #4

 Friday, we were on our way to Germany. 

Our first stop was Dachau- Holocaust Remembered.  It was an overcast day. Very sobering.  I, like many others, learned about the Holocaust in school. When I was in high school we were able to hear the story of a gentleman who survived the Holocaust. But there are no words to describe the feeling of being there. Reading the stories (seeing their faces, personal belongings, etc..).  Seeing the conditions which they lived.  Walking on the same ground as those who lost their lives, those who survived, and even those who where apart of keeping this camp going......I was speechless......  

                                                                Dachau- Holocaust

There are no words to describe this picture.  I just stood there, eyes tearing up, and smiled back at them...

Entrance to the Camp

"May the example of those who were exterminated here between 1933-1945
-Because they resisted Nazism- Help to united the living for the defence of peace-
And Freedom and in respect for their fellow men" 

"Never Again"

This is where the barracks were 

Jewish Memorial

There is not a Psalm 9. 21 in the Bible. I'm not sure if it meant  Psalm Ch 9 - Ch 21? Or  vs 9 of Ch 21??

                         When we walked into the Church of Reconciliation, this man was practicing on the organ

Church of the Convent of the Carmelite Nuns

The Bunks



Wash Area

Where the bodies were cremated

Again, no heart sank

Entrance to the "showers" (gas chamber)

Because there were so many bodies, there had to be another crematroium built

Even with death all around, this stream was outside the gates of the crematoriums.  This reminded of the song title
"Beauty from Ashes"


                                      After Dachau, we stopped for lunch at the Gasthof Waldfrieden

Cute little place!

L to R
Donna, me,
The Staff- Rudy (Donnas son), Dr.Brasier, Eric, Hanna Beth, Chris

Zach being Zach!   ( with Savannah)

There was a arena where we watched some ladies & their horses practice

                                                            On The Road Again!!!!
Thankful for headphones....

Phase 10....

good company......

and even a nap here and there!!  LoL
                                                         Our Next Stop......Rothenburg!!!   


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