Just a Thought:
I've been doing the Daniel Study by Beth Moore. I have learned much. One thing that continues to stick out in my mind is the temple. It's not just a church or sanctuary. It's us. Our bodies, our minds. Since the beginning, satan tempted Eve by having her question God's authority (attacking her mind). And when she fell for the lie, she & Adam defiled their bodies by partaking in something that seemed like no big deal. Needless to say, it was a big deal. God & Satan are pursuing us. Both in very different ways. As my biblical study continues, it is clear that satan uses the same tactics on us as he did Eve-by questioning &doubting God & His authority, corrupting our minds w/ lies & we then defile our bodies that leads us to be used by satan instead of God. So, after finishing the first session of my Daniel study this morning, Ch 1-6 paralleled w/ Revelation ch 17 & 18, it is clear that we are living in a "modern day Babylon". I then listened to my Psalms & Proverbs (specifically Psalms 2 & Prov 2) devotion from You Version, I don't understand why people say that a you can't mix politics w/ biblical truth. It all goes hand in hand. Starting in Gen 10:8-12 w/ Nimrod & Babel (Babylon) God gives us clear warnings & examples (through out the bible) how a nation, people, ruler, king, etc..will fall. Satan wants to entice you into a worldview instead of a biblical view. You may have all you want to satisfy your worldly desires for now, but God's Word is true, it will come to an end. The choice you have to make is which side are you going to be standing on when it does happen? Will you fall or will you stand?
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